If you were here, I would have told you how every sibling failed to take your place.
If you were here, I would have told you how i still see you as my soulmate instead of any man.
If you were here, we would have laughed about how our LOVE U MISS U KISS U got famous.
If you were here, I wouldn't have needed your Tshirt to hold everytime I'm sad.
If you were here, I would call you for no reason and we'd laugh like retards.
If you were here, I would have clicked a million pictures with you.
If you were here, we would have pulled an all nighter to discuss every minute detail of my future wedding.
If you were here, I would have shared my expertise on fashion with you.
If you were here, i would have shared all my life news without worrying that you'll leak them.
If you were here, I would have told you how sorry I am about our last fight.
If you were here, we would have discussed about your bday gift instead of crying on that day.
If you were here, I wouldn't have to search for your grave site in that messed up field.
If you were here, I wouldn't have to make a tattoo to keep you close to me.
If you were here, I would just hug you so tight and never let you out of my sight.
If you were here, I would have told you that i love you so much that it hurts.
If only you were here.