Thursday 21 June 2018

He's that friend

He's that friend who listens to my non-ending stories.
He's that friend who never interupts my storytelling sessions even when Im repeating it for the millionth time.
He's that friend who always has
time for me no-matter how busy he is.
He's that friend who cares a bit too much.
He's that friend I can always count on.
He's that friend who's always ready to drink cuz I want to.
He's that friend who laughs at my dumbest jokes.
He's that friend I can sit with and watch movies for hours.
He's that friend whose clothes become mine.
He's that friend who is patient with me.
He's that friend whose house is my second home.
He's that friend who silently cries when I cry.
He's that friend who never judges.
He's that friend who remembers every tiny detail of my life.
He's that friend whose shoulder is my comfort zone.
He's that friend who knows when to just hold me tight and not let go.
He's that friend who never gives up on me.
He's that friend who never fails to believe in me even when the entire world has stopped believing.
He's that friend who doesn't take me for granted.
He's that friend who understands my silence.
He's that friend I am blessed to have.
He's that friend I'm proud to call my BEST FRIEND.

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